Anne-Lise Cremona

“My Main Concern For Henry Jacques Is Longevity While Keeping With The Art Of Perfumery”

As the CEO and main creative force behind Parfums Henry Jacques, Anne-Lise Cremona strives to enhance an already towering legacy

After being gone for over twenty years, Anne-Lise is back, unleashing her passion for perfume to broaden the horizons of Henry Jacques without altering the company’s essence.
After all, very few are those with such an innate grasp of that essence.

As the daughter of the company founder and namesake, Henry, she grew up in a universe that many only dream of peering into. She watched as the House grew and, with her passion for beauty, helped forge its path of excellence from a very young age. She has the dreamy whimsy of her father, yet also the reason, balance and elegance of her mother, Yvette Cremona. The latter played a crucial role in founding the lab that has become one of the wonders of the perfume world.

Anne-Lise’s free spirit spurred her on to an independent career at various perfume groups, where she developed a flair for strategy. Thus blending two contrasting worlds, large-scale industry and fine craftsmanship, Anne-Lise developed singular insight into the
perfume business.

“I knew exactly where I wanted to go. It was clear to me, but no-one dared to go there. It took many rebuffs and much courage to garner respect for my ideal and push the boundaries. Henry Jacques embodies an ideal of creativity, quality and authenticity. If those principles are abandoned, emotion is lost and a tyranny of short-term thinking sets in”. Anne-Lise has an innate taste for art de vivre. “I imparted some of my reverie, tenderness and elegance to Henry Jacques”.

Her first six years back at Henry Jacques were devoted to shifting the precious perfumes into a new sphere. Creative direction was elevated to new heights, while the collections were revisited and enhanced to present a new facet to the world. She oversaw the company’s spectacular entrance into retail, with its breakaway from reigning perfume norms. Deep conviction moves Anne-Lise to outdo herself day after day, imparting the dimension and aura that pure perfume deserves.

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