Exciting Times At Barcelona Olfaction Week (BOW)

The perfume sector celebrates its first major event of 2021 with Barcelona Olfaction Week (BOW)

The province of Barcelona has been the world epicenter of perfumery during the celebration of the second edition of Barcelona Olfaction Week (BOW), the IV International Perfume Competition – Mouillette d’Argent, the III Barcelona Olfaction Congress (BOC) and the IV Maridatge dels Sentits. A great set of online and face-to-face activities around perfume, olfactory science, the pairing of senses and the culture of beauty created in collaboration between the Beauty Cluster, the Teià City Council and Ainea Perfums.

In addition, the event has had the sponsorship of companies in the sector such as Iberchem, Eurofragance, Rafesa, Lluch Essence and Cosmo International Fragrances, and with a long list of collaborators, including the main national and international communication media in the sector.

From May 28 to June 5, these activities have brought together more than two thousand people, both in exclusive and restricted in person events (adapted to the current health regulations) and through a modern online platform, which has allowed everyone to attend the talks and conferences. A massive event that has attracted participants from more than 25 countries, who have mainly participated virtually due to the current restrictions on travel.

According to Eva Lluch, president of the Beauty Cluster and CEO at Lluch Essence: ‘The Barcelona perfumery week, together with events such as the international competition, the scientific-technical congress or the Maridatge is a great opportunity to promote the perfume industry and project it internationally. It allows to know perfume as a cultural element closely linked to our country. The general public can discover the importance of the sense of smell and the industry can project the importance it has for the economy and for society “

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