Jenny Whitehorn Talks About Headspace Technology Used By The Body Shop

Jenny Whitehorn, Director of Marketing & Corporate Responsibility, EMEA Zone, The Body Shop talks about the Headspace Technology

ParfumPlus: Tell us about the Headspace Technology used in these perfumes and how is it unique?

Jenny Whitehorn: For the new line of ‘Elixirs of Nature’ consisting of five fragrances, we have used this unique technique of Headspace Technology. It’s a non-destructive technology where we make use of a glass-dome like structure in which we are able to capture the scents of the rare and precious plants. How it works is within the glass dome or glass sphere, we are able to pick up the scents from the woods, or the flowers or the plants and it creates a vacuum and from there we are able to recreate the scent in a very special way into our fragrances. It’s a unique and interesting way to develop these scents because the source comes from rare plants and flowers so it had to be done in this way so as to protect the plant and what’s wonderful is it’s in line with the philosophy of The Body Shop too.

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