Jenny Whitehorn On Her 25 Years Of Association With The Body Shop

Jenny Whitehorn, Director of Marketing & Corporate Responsibility, EMEA Zone talks about her 25-year-old association to the brand and the journey so far…

ParfumPlus: 25 years with The Body Shop… How has the journey been?

Jenny Whitehorn: 25 years with The Body Shop… yes, it has been an amazing journey. I have travelled to four corners of the globe, worked in nearly all of the continents, been to nearly 64 countries!

From the time I had joined, I have been involved in almost every aspect of the brand, like from starting new markets, particularly Asia- Korea and Indonesia, launching new categories and product ranges. And being part of the brand, I have become like an activist. I believe in the values of the brand, to strive and stand true to our planet and our people, and communicating that to our customers.

It’s been great till now and we have launched many amazing products and been part of some of the ground-breaking campaigns in history and some of biggest petitions in the world – ones that have changed laws and changed people’s life. We turned 40 this year and we are still growing strong and it is simply amazing place to be and belong.

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