PP Arabia Oct-Dec 2020


It’s the last issue for 2020 and like everyone else we are all looking forward to a 2021, which would ideally do away with social distancing and we’d get to meet and greet one another in person like we used to.

Coming to this issue, in Speaking Scents we have Arthur Le Tourneur d’Ison of Robertet, sharing his love for perfumery as well as fascination for the Middle East. Scentscation discusses the power of fragrances in the art of seduction..

Ivan Siarbolin helps us understand the packaging aspects in the art of tailor-made perfumes in Sillage while Creezy Courtoy tells us about the importance of Natural Perfumery. And in Escentia we have Olimpia Mascolo, professing her love for Iris.

StarScent and ReScent should keep you interested. Here’s wishing you a safe and healthy 2021, well in advance.

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