After the London chapter on 12th March, perfume connoisseurs would love to get a whiff of Jasmine Awards 2014 In Australia

Since it began in France over 20 years ago, the Jasmine Awards has always honoured and heaped praise on journalists for articles on the subject of fragrance. The nominees brought in are those who communicate their specialist knowledge of fragrance to the public as well as promoting the further discovery of fragrance to their readers.
Having evolved into a unique platform for fragrance journalism, the Jasmine Awards are held in countries such as France, Canada, USA and the UK. The British edition was held on 12th March at BAFTA, Piccadilly, London. And now winners of the Australian chapter will be announced at a special presentation in Sydney on 30th April 2014. But first, let us tell you what made special the Jasmine Awards 2014 held in London.
Jasmine Awards 2014 in UK
The Jasmine Awards were launched in the UK in 1990. In 2010 the administration of The Jasmine Awards was taken over by The Fragrance Foundation.

The awards ceremony was held under the Chairmanship of Blake Hughes, Managing Director of Elizabeth Arden UK, and Peter Norman, Chairman of The Fragrance Foundation. Articles on fragrance written throughout 2013 were reviewed by a judging panel that included author Elizabeth Buchan, Ruth Newman – Director of Beauty at House of Fraser, broadcaster Natasha Kaplinsky, swimwear & lifestyle designer Melissa Odabash and author S.J. Watson. Industry expert Joanna Norman, presided as chairman of the panel.
Winners who ‘smelled great’ on the red carpet across the 10 different categories were:
- Best Article in a Customer Magazine – Sharon Parsons for My Life in Fragrance in Sainsbury’s magazine (July issue)
- Best Digital Article on Fragrance – Thomas Dunckley for The Candy Perfume Boy’s Guide to Violet published on
- Best Digital Fragrance Experience – Katie Chutzpah for Tom Ford Releases London on
- Jasmine Soundbite (news press) – Journalist Kathleen Baird-Murray for her piece On the Scent of a Good Story in The Financial Times, November
- Jasmine Soundbite (magazines) – Gem Royston-Claire for Confessions of a Fragrance Floozy in the October issue of Company magazine
- Best Practical Guide to Fragrance – The article Elle’s Fragrance CVs written by Lorraine Candy, Sophie Beresiner, Amy Lawrenson and Joely Walker
- Most Creative Visual Award – Shortlist magazine for their piece Elemental Scents in the April issue, the words and styling were by Adrian Clark & Mandy Pang
- Jasmine Visual Award – September issue of Garage Magazine for The Fifth Scent, words by Odette Toilette and Lee C. Wallick, illustrations by Charlotte Cassel and Art directed by Mike Meire and Tobias Tschense
- Jasmine Literary Award (news press) – Lucia van der Post for Scents of the Divine in The Financial Times How To Spend It
- Jasmine Literary Award (magazines) – Neil Chapman for Perfume Haters in the new publication, Odou Magazine
Jasmine Awards 2014 in Australia
The event is due to be held in Sydney on 30th April 2014. Up for nominations would be journalists from both print and online publications as well as beauty bloggers.
The six categories include:
Best In-depth Feature on Fragrance
Best Short Feature on Fragrance
Best Online Feature on Fragrance
Best Blog Post on Fragrance
Best Practical Guide to Fragrance
Best Visual Story on Fragrance
The winner across each category can walk away with a trophy and cheque for $1,000. We are waiting in anticipation for April 30 to make its ‘fragrant’ entry. Are you?
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