New Luxury Awards 2020

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12 Feb 2021


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New Luxury Awards 2020

The International Perfume Foundation in partnership with Beauty Cluster Barcelona and ParfumPlus announced the New Luxury Awards 2020.

For this second edition, IPF New Luxury Awards will be given to perfume brands, perfumers, designers or packaging engineers who have been creating or putting on the market sustainable perfume or packaging following the New Luxury Code during the year 2020. The competition is also open to students in packaging and perfumery.

The objective is to stimulate creativity in perfume and packaging in adopting the New Luxury Code as sustainability standards and in showing to the world who in the perfume industry truly care with Authenticity, Integrity and Transparency about the environment, the animal world and consumers’ wellbeing.


Nominations will be announced on January 25-2021.

Winners will be announced during the online Award Ceremony on February 12-2021.

Competition Rules:

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